When you are hurt while performing a task for your employer, you have the right to make a claim against their worker's compensation insurance. It does not matter who was at fault, or even if you were doing something you shouldn't have been doing. This insurance coverage will pay for your medical bills, and also a portion of your salary. In most situations, the process is simple and clear cut. You file a claim with your employer and the insurance company takes care of things. However, sometimes, things don't go this smoothly and you need to hire a workers compensation attorney. Here are a few situations that will require legal help.
Insurance Company Denies the Claim
Sometimes, even if your employer agreed to your claim, the insurance company finds a problem with it and denies your benefits. This could be due to a lack of documentation or due to an issue with when the claim was filed. Whatever their reason, it is going to take some work to get them to reverse the denial. A workers compensation lawyer understands the appeal process and is your best option for getting your claim approved. They know all about the time-frame issues, and how to ensure that all the necessary documentation is provided from your doctors as well as any witnesses to the accident.
Employer Denies the Claim
It is also possible for your employer to deny the claim before it even gets to the insurance company. This could be due to the fact your employer does not understand the laws completely. If they feel that you may have been at fault for the accident, or that you are not covered since you were not physically on the work premises, they may deny the claim. You lawyer can explain the laws to them so they understand you are, in fact, covered. If your boss still does not want to file the claim, your lawyer can do the filing and then send a nicely-worded letter to them, explaining the situation. In most cases, a legal letter will have your boss thinking twice about the claim and signing the required documentation.
Do not let anyone push you around when it comes to your benefits. You should not have to worry about finances while trying to heal. The best way to get you back on your feet, and back to work, is to let a workers compensation attorney take over the case for you when something goes wrong. Contact a firm like Kavanagh & Kavanagh Law Ofc. for more information.