4 Things To Know About Handling An Auto Accident When Traveling Out Of State

Getting into an accident when you are not anywhere close to home can be really jarring. You don't have local resources to rely on, and you have to figure out where to get medical care, tow your vehicle, and get a rental vehicle on top of having to handle all the implications of being in a car accident.

Thing #1: Always Contact the Police

First, when you get into an accident, regardless of where the accident took place, you should always call the police. The police will collect statements from all parties involved, and they will assess what they believe happened at the scene of the accident.

A police report is going to be important in establishing what happened, and if you decide to take your case to court, you are going to want to have a police report. Also, you don't want to get in trouble for leaving the scene of an accident without contacting the police.

Thing #2: Contact Your Attorney

Second, you are going to want to contact an attorney. Traffic laws can differ from one state to the next, as can insurance coverage and the time you have to file a lawsuit. By letting your attorney know right away that you were involved in an out-of-state accident, your attorney can start to communicate with your insurance company and make sure your needs are taken care of.

Thing #3: Take Lots of Pictures

Third, you should take a lot of pictures. You are in an unfamiliar setting and may have a hard time recalling exactly what the environment looked like later on. The pictures you take can also establish what happened and build a case. Take pictures of your vehicle and the other vehicles involved in the accident.

Take pictures of the traffic lights and signs in the area where the crash occurred. Take pictures of the ground to capture things such as skid marks. Take pictures of any damaged parts and where they landed. The more pictures you take, the better. Also, if you have visible injuries, take pictures of those.

Thing #4: Try to Get Your Vehicle Home for Repairs

Finally, if you can, try to get your vehicle home for repairs. You don't want to have to take your vehicle to a local auto repair shop, wait for the insurance adjuster to look at the car, and then wait for the auto shop to repair your vehicle. That process could literally take a few weeks, depending on how damaged your vehicle is.

If you are involved in an accident when traveling while out of state, your insurance company will provide you with the same level of coverage. If you only carry the minimum insurance, your insurance will meet the minimum requirements of whatever state you are in.

To learn more, contact an auto accident attorney.

About Me

Seeking Compensation: A Personal Injury Blog

Nobody likes to be injured. But when the injury occurs because someone else did not act the way they should — that's even more frustrating. Thankfully, in the United States, if you incur medical bills and other expenses due to injuries that are someone else's fault, you can file a civil lawsuit against that person. The specific type of suit you would file is called a personal injury lawsuit, and you'd need the assistance of a lawyer who specializes in this type of law in order to do so. If you would like to learn more about personal injury attorneys and their services, then start by reading the articles on this website. They should give you a pretty good overview.



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